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Some of the projects are from work and some are on my own time.
This website is built using Next.js,Tailwind CSS,
Contentlayer, and is hosted on Vercel.
Made with ❤️ by @andreasgdp
This project involved creating a gripper that can be mounted on and integrated with a UR5 robot. The gripper is controlled by a motor located in the center of the gripper, which receives signals from an electrical circuit that is controlled by a C++ program running on a Raspberry Pi.
In this project, we have worked to make a gripper that can be mounted on and integrated with a UR5 robot. The gripper has been 3D modelled, 3D printed and mounted on a UR5 robot. The gripper is controlled by the movements of a motor located in the center of the gripper. The engine receives signals to go in each direction at varying speed from an electrical circuit which receives signals from a C++ program running on a Raspberry Pi. We have made a URCaps extension for ours grabs a UR5. We have made an XML-RPC server running on a Raspberry Pi to be able to communicate with the URCaps extension. With this XML-RPC communication we have the opportunity to to control the gripper from a UR program running on the UR5 robot with our URCaps extension. We have also made a GUI running alongside the server on the Raspberry Pi that we can use to control the gripper directly.
This website is built using Next.js,Tailwind CSS,
Contentlayer, and is hosted on Vercel.
Made with ❤️ by @andreasgdp